Year 4
In our Literacy lessons we are exploring the story 'The Princess and the Pea' by Lauren Child.
We are thinking carefully about our vocabulary choices to make our writing exciting and enjoyable for the reader, and we are trying extremely hard to ensure inverted commas are demarcated accurately within sentences.
Click on the image to discover more books written by Lauren Child.
During story time this half-term we are reading 'My Brother is a Superhero' by David Solomons.
Click on the book to find out more about the author!
For the next couple of weeks, we are exploring a poem 'Adventures Of Isabel' by Ogden Nash.
We are practising our reading fluency skills and exploring the meanings of new words in context and making sense of what we read. We will be answering retrieval questions with independence and using our inference skills with some support.
Click on the book to listen to the poem.
In maths, we are learning all about the area. We will be counting squares to find the area of rectilinear shapes and comparing area.
Remember to log into TTRS to practise your times tables.
Religious Education
We will be learning all about 'Prophecy and Promise'. This week, we will think back to what we know about Moses and the Covenant and how the Israelites' land was invaded by many people over many years. We will think about how the Israelites felt about this and how they wanted a warrior leader to help them.
Our science topic this half-term is all about 'Animals and Humans'.
We have started our topic by planning an investigation to find out whether sugary drinks can damage the enamel on our teeth. We will observe what happens throughout the week and create a conclusion using our results.
Our topic this half-term is all about 'Spatial Sense'. We will be exploring the uses of globes and learning all about lines of longitude, lines of latitude, the equator and the tropics.
Our art topic this term is 'textiles'. We have learn what textiles are and found textiles around our classroom and school. We deconstructed some fabric so that we could see the threads and fibres used to make the textile. We have also looked carefully at patterns within textiles and created our own weaving.
We have been learning how to thread a needle and create a running stitch. When we felt confident, we moved on to making different patterns with a running stitch.
Children will have swimming lessons every day for 2 weeks. (W/C 11.11.24 and 18.11.24) Please remember your swimming kit every day. This includes swimwear, a towel, swimming cap, goggles and flip-flops.
PE with Coach Danny is every Thursday. The topic for this half-term is dance!
Children should be reading for at least 15 minutes per day. Please, record your child's reading homework in their reading diary. These will be checked daily.
Children should be learning their timetables for at least 10 minutes per day on Times Tables Rock Stars.
Children should be practising their spellings for at least 10 minutes per day on Spelling Frame. Children should complete their online spelling test on Tuesday or Wednesday ready for their test on Thursday morning.
*Children will be tested on their spelling and times tables every Thursday. They will take their test books home every Friday to share their achievements with parents. Please ensure they are brought back into school on Monday morning.*
Children will receive a piece of homework based around their maths learning that has taken place in the classroom or arithmetic. This will be given out on Monday's and returned to school on Thursday morning. This homework should take around 20 minutes to complete.
Children will receive either a reading, writing or SPAG task. This homework should take around 20 minutes to complete. It will be given out on Monday's and returned to school on Thursday morning.
We have writing, reading and maths lessons every morning through the week. In the afternoons we have science, RE, art, geography, music, RSE and PE lessons.
Monday- Swimming kit, homework to be taken home.
Tuesday- Swimming kit
Wednesday- Swimming kit
Thursday- Swimming kit, homework is due in, spelling and timetables test, music with Miss Allen, PE.
Friday- Swimming kit, praise assembly
We had a 'bright day' on Thursday 3rd October to remind us of the importance of wearing something bright to stay safe during the darker evenings when we are walking and using our bikes and scooters. Cars and other vehicles can see us more easily!
W/C 11.11.24 and 18.11.24 : Swimming lessons every day.
Thursday 14th November: Cinema visit (No swimming that day)
Wednesday 11th December: Mother Goose Panto (Children will not return to school until around 4:30pm.)
Thursday 12th December: Christmas dinner
Monday 16th December: Christmas fair from 2pm
Wednesday 18th December: Y4, Y5, Y6 Carol service in the school hall.
Friday 20th December: Break up for Christmas at 1:30pm
Wednesday 12th - Friday 14th February: York Residential