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Year 3


Each day, the children will focus on the core subjects in the morning - Writing, Guided Reading, Maths, Spelling and Times Tables.  Foundation subjects are spread out throughout the week. 

Monday - Hymn Practise, PE, Class Story

Tuesday - Class Prayer, Independent Reading 

Wednesday - Gospel Assembly, Story Time / Book Talk 

Thursday -Spelling and Arithmetic Tests, Class Prayer, PE, Class Story

Friday - Praise Assembly, Class Story



Homework will be set and sent home on a Monday and should be returned on a Thursday. Children should spend 20 minutes on each piece of homework. Children do not need to complete all their homework in one go. Little and often throughout the week is key!

English Homework - reading or writing 

Maths Homework - consolidation of the week and / or timetables 

Times Tables Rockstars and Spelling Frame - all children have personal logins. Children need to practise every day in preparation for their arithmetic and spelling tests on a Thursday. 

Reading - children need to read every day and have their reading diary signed.


Autumn 1


In our literacy lessons, we will be exploring the text, 'Star in the Jar' by Sam Hay.

We will develop our writing skills through sentence stacking lessons and build up to an independent writing task. 

Grammar, punctuation and spelling - KS2 English - BBC Bitesize



During our guided reading lessons this half-term, Year 3 will be reading and analysing the narrative texts, 'The Iron Man' by Ted Hughes and 'George’s Marvellous Medicine' by Roald Dahl. The children will also explore the non-fiction text, 'The Colours of History: How Colours Shaped The World' by Clive Gifford.

In our lessons, we will focus on reading fluency, understanding word meanings in context, summarising and answering retrieval questions. We will use our inference skills to zoom in closer as we look at themes, characters and events in the texts. 


In Maths, we will begin looking at Place Value before moving onto Addition and Subtraction. The children will use White Rose Maths, firstly developing their fluency and building on the application of mathematical knowledge to deepen their understanding, master concepts and apply what they have learnt to a range of problem-solving and reasoning. 

The children will have dedicated time to learn and practise their times tables  to ensure they are increasing in accuracy and speed.  

Times Tables Rock Stars ( 


RE - Creation and Covenant 

Science - Rocks 

History - Ancient Egypt 

Art - Creative Crafts 

Physical Education - Football and Orienteering

Computing - Computing systems and networks - Connecting Computers