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Welcome to Nursery...My name is Miss Thomson, I am the Nursery lead. Miss Price is our class teaching assistant. In Nursery, children are encouraged to learn through exploration, risk-taking, and observation of their peers. We foster independence by providing opportunities for them to discover and engage with their environment. With 'free flow' throughout most of the day, children can freely explore a wide range of activities both indoors and outdoors, enhancing their learning experiences.

St Saviour’s Catholic Primary and Nursery School

Mission Statement

St Saviour’s is a caring school family of God’s children, keeping Jesus at the heart of everything we do.

Everyone is helped to grow in love and respect;

listening to, praying with and supporting each other.

Through forgiveness and love in a safe environment, we help each other to be what God created us to be and to be confident and independent people in His world.

St Saviours School Prayer

Thank you for St Saviour’s School,

where we care and share,

where we play and pray.

Respecting each other as we learn and love,

with Jesus in our hearts.


In God's Name

In Nursery, we introduce children to RE. We pray at different times of the day and read stories from the Bible multiple times a week. We encourage children to join in our prayers. 

Our Nursery Routine

Our routine is very flexible and we work around the needs of the children throughout the day. We do encourage the children to use the toilet regularly and nappies are always changed as and when needed, if outside of our scheduled changing times. 

We ask parents to provide a healthy snack for the children, we all sit down together to eat snack to support good language and social skills at the table.

This is one of our favourite times of the day! 

Morning Session: 

8:40: Welcome & Settling in time 

8.50: Register & 'Hello' time 

9:20: Busy time with focused teaching 

10:00: Outside - free flow

10:20: Snack time 

11:00: Nappy Changing/Toilet time 

11:10: Busy time - Free flow 11:45: Story time & Prayer

12:00: Home time

Physical Development,

In Nursery, we work on our physical development by running, jumping, skipping, hopping, crawling, climbing and playing with others.

In Development Matters, children between birth and three will: clap and stamp to music, run, walk and climb, sit on a push-along bike, begin to pour drinks, begin to be independent in dressing, and begin to develop manipulation and control


Communication and Language

Nursery is never quiet, just the way we like it! The children develop their communication and language skills by singing, looking through stories, being read to, hearing others talk, playing with other children and adults.

In Development Matters, children between birth and three will: begin to use single words, begin to say how they are feeling, develop their pretend play, begin to develop conversations through play, copying words and gestures from adults.


Personal, Social and Emotional

In Nursery, we encourage children to express their feelings. We do this through songs, stories and through our play. The children begin to understand emotions and begin to express why they are feeling a certain way.

In Development Matters, children between birth and three years will: find ways to calm themselves, manage transitions from home to school, grow in independence, express their feelings, show effortful control (waiting), develop friendships and begin to notice differences in others.


In Nursery, we develop our maths skills mainly through continuous provision. We have puzzles, shape sorters, boxes that children can climb into and out of, blocks in the building area where we can use words such as big, small, tall, taller, short. We have water and sand trays where we can pour, scoop, compare weights. We also sing a lot! We have lots of number songs that we sing which encourage children to begin to recognise numbers when they are singing. 

In Development Matters, children from birth to three years will: put objects inside others, take part in finger rhymes, compare amounts, begin to develop counting-like behaviour, count in everyday contexts, climb and squeeze into different spaces, complete puzzles and notice patterns


In Nursery, we read a lot of stories, sing a lot of rhymes and make lots of marks with different resources. For literacy development, children begin to look at stories, make comments and share our own ideas. We spend a lot of time making pictures and will begin to add meanings to those marks.

In Development Matters, children between birth and three years will: enjoy songs and rhymes, enjoy sharing books with adults, respond to pictures, repeat words and phrases from familiar stories, begin to notice some print such as the first letter of their name, enjoy drawing freely, adding meanings to their marks.


Learning through play

In nursery, all of our learning is done through play. We encourage children to explore new things. Take a look at some pictures of us learning as we have fun!

Educational Quotes About Learning Through Play - Quotes for Mee









Story time!

We provide lots of opportunities for children to enjoy stories throughout the morning. Our favourite books are displayed for children to access independently during their busy time and they love to look at the pictures with their friends, talking about what they can see! Each morning, when the children arrive, they will sit down and look at a book either independently or with their peers/an adult. 

Before home time, we have a whole class story time to allow the children to unwind from our busy morning.


Nursery Rhymes...

Nursery rhymes are a fantastic way of building your child's vocabulary and language skills.

Children love to learn actions to go with their songs.

In Nursery we are learning to use Makaton signs, particularly when we sing.

Makaton is a sign language programme which was created to be used alongside spoken language, in order to promote communication and language development in babies and young children. 

We sing Nursery Rhymes lots during the day, especially carpet times, before snacks and before home.

Some of our favourite Nursery Rhymes are:

Wheels on the bus

If you're happy and you know it

I'm driving in my car

Baa Baa black sheep 

Twinkle Twinkle little star 

5 little ducks


We also like listening to songs on the iPad, here are a few we have been listening to over the last few weeks-

Going on a Bear Hunt - THE KIBOOMERS Preschool Songs for Circle Time (

Hop Little Bunnies | Sing A Long | Action Song | Hop Hop Hop (

Shake Your Sillies Out ♫ Brain Breaks Songs for Kids ♫ Kids Action Songs by The Learning Station (

We're Going on a Shark Hunt - The Kiboomers Songs for Kids (

Feelings Song | Emotions Song | The Singing Walrus (

This Is A Happy Face | Noodle & Pals | Songs For Children (


Information for Parents;

Jabadao has a range of videos and ideas for parents with ideas of how to encourage physical development at home!

Jabadao Resource Hub| Jabadao for Parents

ERIC bowel and bladder have different resources to support with potty training 

Potty training: how to start & best age to potty train - ERI