Art & Design
Please scroll down to find the Curriculum Maps for Art & Design
Intent (Why we learn…)
At St Saviour’s Catholic Primary and Nursery School, we recognise that Art and Design can build autonomy and children learn that individuality can be expressed in many forms. As aspiring artists, we want the children to be given opportunities to express themselves artistically through and broad and balanced curriculum.
Through Art and Design, the children at St Saviour’s will have mastered a range of skills.
These are:
- To be enthusiastic, inquisitive, lifelong learners: we aim to provide children with high quality Art and Design lessons that are progressive. They are given opportunities to express themselves artistically, to be creative, imaginative and take risks. We aim to build a culture of exploration and confidence to attempt a range of skills before application. A skill we hope will support them in later life.
- To be strong communicators: we provide children with a range of key vocabulary, taught explicitly, modelled and reinforced through high quality Art and Design lessons. Children are encouraged to refer to knowledge organisers where key vocabulary is provided and should be using during discussions.
- To be well-rounded, independent and resilient learners with aspirations: we aim to provide opportunities for the children to express their artistic individuality, develop a deep understanding of a range of skills, and opportunities to experiment before application. Children will understand art as a process and can discuss, refine and reflect on their skills, demonstrating their learning through individual sketchbooks.
- To develop and use their God given talents by being creative: we aim to provide the children with a curriculum that nurtures the artists of the future. We endeavour to cultivate a love of art and its many different forms through the exploration of a range of styles and artists. We want the children to appreciate and respect all that is unique and to use their artistic talents and skills as a means to express themselves.
- To be responsible citizens who are eager to make a positive contribution to their community and wider society: we aim to provide children with the opportunities to explore art from a range of diverse cultures. Within our curriculum the children will study a range of art, representative of different people, places, periods in time and events that have shaped the world we live in. Children will understand art as a form of communication and develop their critical thinking skills when experiencing art.
Within children’s early education, reading and art are intricately linked as they both foster creativity, imagination, and critical thinking. Art often complements skills linked to reading comprehension, unpicking the meaning and exploring a deeper understanding of what they are looking at. Visual elements in stories inspire artistic expression, while creating art can reinforce literacy skills.
Implementation (How we teach...)
At St Saviour’s, the art and design curriculum follows the expectations of the National Curriculum and teachers plan lessons using the National Oak Academy resource. Each year group has two skills-based topics which are taught at the discretion of the class teacher across the year.
The children use sketch books to practice techniques, express their creativity and build upon skills needed for a final piece. Knowledge organisers and curriculum maps ensure that the skills and knowledge the children are taught are progressive throughout the school.
Art and design is based on high expectations and is accessible to all. Children are supported in reaching age-related expectations through ‘Quality First’ teaching. Teachers use a range of AfL strategies to identify children who require support within lessons. Teachers adapt lessons to ensure children make progress. The children’s attainment and progress is tracked using the ‘Sonar’ software.
Children are exposed to art and design from the very beginning of their education. Children in the Early Years Foundation Stage are given daily opportunities to explore different media and materials, textures, colours, form and shape, developing their creativity and their imagination. Children begin the process of evaluating, building upon and returning to ideas. This establishes a strong foundation for the children moving to KS1 and KS2 where they begin to ask questions, practice and refine skills and learn about art and design within our society and from a range of diverse cultures.
The subject lead receives appropriate support from senior leaders in order to lead effectively and to monitor the teaching and learning of art and design.
Our curriculum provides children with the opportunities to express themselves, develop individuality and creativity, learn a range of skills and unlock talents and new passions.
Impact (As a result…)
The impact of our art and design curriculum can be seen through pupil’s sketch books and through pupil voice. By the end of each Key Stage, children will be able to apply and understand the skills, knowledge and processes previously taught so that they are proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft, and design techniques. Children will understand what being an ‘artist’ is and the many skills and forms art can take.
Pupil progress in art and design is measured through various formative assessment techniques, including self and teacher assessment. Children evaluate their work and the application of new skills, and work is evident in individual sketchbooks. Outcomes for children across the school are positive.
Pupils not only leave St Saviour’s with a secure understanding of the knowledge and skills of the art and design curriculum, but also with the confidence to demonstrate their individuality and creativity whilst being culturally aware and respectful. Pupils will leave knowing that it is okay to make mistakes along their journey, and that life isn’t a ‘final masterpiece’. Pupils will know that with persistence, an openness to try different methods, dedication and by being reflective, they can work towards any goal.