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Scroll down to find the PSHE/RSE Curriculum Maps

Intent (Why we learn…)

At St Saviour’s, Personal, Social Health Education (PSHE) including Relationships Sex Education (RSE) is at the heart of our school values and ethos and runs throughout all that we do. Our PSHE/RSE curriculum aims to enable our children to become healthy, safe, independent, responsible members of society who demonstrate respect and tolerance and who are prepared to face and manage the challenges and opportunities of an ever-changing modern Britain.

We aim for our children:

  • To be enthusiastic, inquisitive, lifelong learners:  We will help pupils to have a good understanding of themselves, to have empathy, an ability to work with others and to form and maintain positive relationships treating everyone equally with tolerance and respect.
  • To be strong communicators:  We will encourage all our pupils to be the very best versions of themselves by communicating their thoughts and feelings, developing their sense of self-worth as well as valuing others.
  • To develop well-rounded, independent and resilient learners with aspirations: We will help pupils to understand the importance of their physical and mental health, understand emotions and feelings and have strategies to help them become resilient and confident so that they are ready for change and transition.
  • To develop and use their God given talents by being creative: We will help to develop the children’s God given talents and provide them with opportunities to use them with in different ways.
  • To be responsible citizens who are eager to make a positive contribution to their community and wider society: We will provide opportunities for our pupils to learn about rights and responsibilities and to know what it means to be a valuable member of a diverse society. We will help them to understand and consider the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up in Modern Britain.

At St Saviours, reading is prioritised across the curriculum especially in PSHE and RSE. Each class has a selection of books to support children in their learning with in PSHE and RSE. The children can find the books in the class reading corners. This allows children the opportunity to deepen their understanding with this subject.

Implementation (How we teach...)

At St Saviour’s PSHE and RSE is at the heart of our school ethos and runs throughout all that we do.  All staff have high expectations for our children and the belief that children will meet age related expectations in PSHE/RSE.

Children are taught PSHE and RSE units over a term with teachers timetabling each lesson into their weekly timetable. Staff follow the Ten Ten scheme, using these resources to ensure that we are following the National Curriculum alongside the statutory requirements.  Our curriculum maps show progression throughout the whole school. Lessons are adapted to meet the needs of each individual class/pupils and to deal with issues as they arise. All lessons promote safe, equal, caring, and enjoyable relationships and we discuss real-life issues appropriate to the age and stage of pupils, including friendships, families, consent, relationship abuse, sexual exploitation, and safe relationships online.

We celebrate Anti-Bullying, Cyberbullying week, and Mental health weeks within school. Our School Council help to create and share assemblies so that the children aware of these different weeks.

At St Saviour’s we have ELSA provision to help us meet the needs of individual children and make sure that they are being supported in class and home.

In PSHE and RSE we use assessment for learning to assess on an ongoing basis in lessons and over a unit of work. This helps to support staff with planning and identifies where further individuals or group support may be needed.

At St Saviour’s, we offer the children a wide and memorable experiences, which are diverse and give valuable opportunities to so they can develop a large range of transferable skills which they can use throughout their lives.

Impact (As a result…)

At St Saviour's all children understand the importance of PSHE and RSE and how it affects our lives, both in and out of school. This is evident through termly pupil voice and as well as through the lesson evidence on Tapestry, which is monitored by the curriculum leader regularly. Outcomes for all groups of pupils is strong and children progressing well across the curriculum.

Pupils not only leave St Saviour’s with a secure understanding of the PSHE and RSE curriculum but also with the understanding of how to be socially, morally, and culturally responsible and aware. They also know how to make positive contributions to our community and how to endeavour to be the best that they can be. They leave St Saviour’s being pupils who are respectful, skilful, ambitious, who have a thirst for life learning all that it has to offer.


We are proud to be a myHappymind school!

This programme is a whole school approach grounded in science and dedicated to building positive mental wellbeing. myHappymind helps children understand how their brains work and creates a culture that helps to build children's resilience, confidence and self-esteem.